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How Pilot can help

As a medium sized firm Pilot is perfectly positioned to help not-for-profits. We have the resources and capabilities to assist management across all areas of the organisation. We also offer a direct line of communication to our professional staff ensuring that the organisation receives the highest level of service.

We have helped different types of organisations meet their missions including:

  • Public charities
  • Private foundations
  • Clubs
  • Schools
  • Aged care providers
  • Arts and cultural organisations

Our team will work closely with your management team and board of directors in order to achieve best practices. We are available throughout the year to answer any questions that may arise and we will proactively communicate any important changes in accounting standards, reporting requirements, Federal and State tax laws and regulations.

Some of the other ways Pilot helps its not-for-profit clients includes:

  • Audit and review of financial statements
  • Consultation and preparation for tax exempt status
  • Evaluation of accounting systems, policies and procedures
  • Board of directors governance training and best practices
  • Strategic planning
  • Preparation of statutory financial reports
  • Guidance on technical accounting matters
  • Advice and assistance for financing and restructuring
A Practical Guide

Key ACNC & Incorporated Associations

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A Practical Guide

Public or Private Ancillary Funds Requirements

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