Insights | 06 Apr 2023

How to get FIT for FBT

Updated 13 August 2024

With another Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year wrapped up on 31 March, now is a good time to review your FBT requirements, whether as an employer or an employee.

To assist you with treading through the dark and murky waters of FBT, we provide guidelines for employers (Part 1) and for employees (Part 2), to help you gain a better understanding of your potential FBT obligations and consequences of providing or receiving fringe benefits.

Part 1: Guidelines For Employers

What is Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)?

FBT is essentially a separate tax that is payable by employers on certain types of non-cash benefits provided to employees (or their associates) in respect of their employment.

The purpose of FBT is for the Australian Tax Office (ATO) to capture any employee remuneration that is not being included in the employee’s individual tax return as assessable income (i.e. in wages or allowances).

This is to ensure that the ATO will not miss any “income” that has not been taxed. So basically, if an employee has not been taxed on this “income”, then the employer will be liable for it.

Similar to an income tax return, if an employer is liable for FBT, they will need to lodge a separate FBT return and pay the appropriate amount upon lodgement.

The FBT reporting period runs from 1 April to 31 March each year.

So, What Exactly Are Fringe Benefits?

It is common for employers to be providing fringe benefits to their staff, or to the business owners themselves, without even realising it. This can have significant tax consequences and we are always working with our clients to ensure their FBT obligations are met and to review their employee remuneration structure to minimise their exposure to FBT.

Fringe benefits may be difficult to identify as these benefits can be provided by means of cash or non-cash benefits to employees. However, they do not include salary, wages or superannuation that the employees are already being taxed on.

Please be aware that the term “employees” may be used loosely in the FBT world as it can also include the employees’ associates (i.e. spouse or family member), or the business owner.

To assist with identifying potential fringe benefits being provided, we have listed out the most common fringe benefits we come across with medical practices, including ways to minimise your exposure to FBT.

  • Staff or business meetings conducted over lunch or dinner at a restaurant
  • Friday night drinks at a pub / bar
  • Staff Christmas parties
  • Awards nights
  • Charity golf days
  • Corporate box at a sporting event
  • Team building / staff retreat
  • Memberships at gyms and/or other clubs
  • Consider staff / business meetings to be held during business hours at:
    • The business premise with catering; or
    • A café over a coffee / light meal without alcohol
  • After work drinks to be held at the business premise (i.e. lunchroom or the waiting lounge)
  • Limit spending on events to be less than $300 per employee, as well as reducing the frequency of attendance by the same employee to no more than 10 occasions during the FBT year
  • A car that is “available” for private use (even if it is simply garaged at the employee’s home outside of business travel) #
  • Payment of a novated lease under a salary sacrifice arrangement
  • Work vehicles to be garaged at the business premise at the end of the work day.
  • If a car is available for private use, establish requirements for the employee to maintain a valid log book *
  • Record odometer readings for each car on the following dates to obtain the total mileage travelled during the FBT year:
    • 1 April
    • 31 March
  • Consider providing an electric vehicle below the luxury car tax threshold ($91,387 for the 2025 year) as this will be FBT exempt **
  • Reimbursement to be made by the employee to offset the business’ FBT liability associated with providing the car benefit. This can be achieved by reducing their take home pay, or increasing their salary sacrifice amount
  • Consider a payment of a car allowance to the employee, which will form part of their remuneration and appear on their payment summary
  • Car park spot for staff at or near the business premise where there is a commercial^ car park within 1km radius of the business
  • Payment of parking fees for non-travelling employees at a commercial^ car park
  • The car park spot at the business premise is included in the rent for the premise (i.e. the car park spot comes as part of the lease and there are no extra costs incurred)
  • Where the business premise is at a hospital, ensure the car park spot is separated from public access (i.e. at a different level or area separated by boom gates where entry is only permitted via a swipe card)
  • Providing a mobile phone / payment of monthly phone plans that includes private use
  • Payment of health insurance or life insurance premiums
  • Similar to a car allowance, you may pay a phone allowance instead
  • Only pay or reimburse the business use portion (deductible component) of the expenses


It is irrelevant if the employee actually uses the car for private purposes – as long as it is “available” for private use, the ATO will automatically deem a car benefit is being provided.

A car park is considered to be commercial if it is permanent and available to the public on any given day for all-day parking on a payment of a fee. As such, a car park located at a shopping centre, hospital, hotel or the airport will fall into the definition of a commercial car park, even though penalty rates are being charged.

A valid log book must be kept for a continuous 12-week period and is valid for a maximum of five years. A log book period does not need to be contained to one year and can continue into the next year so that it covers the required 12 continuous weeks. However, if your business use changes substantially, a new log book is required to be completed before the five-year period ends. Furthermore, a valid log book must also include the purpose of each trip, a simple classification of either “business” or “private” will not suffice.

** For more information about the exemption on electric vehicles, please refer to our article here on this topic.

2024/2025 Key Calendar Dates

The below table provides key dates in relation to your potential FBT obligations.

Date Obligations
31 March 2024 End of FBT reporting period.

Record closing odometer readings on each car provided to employees.

1 April 2024 Review salary packaging for your employees.
29 April 2024 4th instalment of FBT due for the 2024 FBT year (prepayment of 2024 FBT return)
20 May 2024 Last day to appoint tax agent for FBT to access extended lodgement and payment due date for the 2024 FBT return.
21 May 2024 Lodgement and payment of the 2024 FBT return if not lodged by a tax agent
25 June 2024 Lodgement and payment of the 2024 FBT return lodged by a tax agent
28 July 2024 1st instalment of FBT due for the 2025 FBT year (prepayment of 2025 FBT return)
28 October 2024 2nd instalment of FBT due for the 2025 FBT year (prepayment of 2025 FBT return)
28 February 2025 3rd instalment of FBT due for the 2025 FBT year (prepayment of 2025 FBT return)
31 March 2025 End of FBT reporting period.

Record closing odometer readings on each car provided to employees.

1 April 2025 Review salary packaging for your employees.
28 April 2025 4th instalment of FBT due for the 2025 FBT year (prepayment of 2025 FBT return)
19 May 2025 Last day to appoint tax agent for FBT to access extended lodgement and payment due date for the 2025 FBT return.
21 May 2025 Lodgement and payment of the 2025 FBT return if not lodged by a tax agent
25 June 2025 Lodgement and payment of the 2025 FBT return lodged by a tax agent

Part 2: Guidelines For Employees

One of the perks of being an Australian health care professional is that you can adopt certain strategies to maximise your salary packaging opportunities where your employer is an FBT exempt entity (i.e. a public hospital).

Salary sacrifice involves your employer paying for certain expenses out of your pre-tax salary. This in turn reduces your taxable salary with the ATO and thereby you are essentially using tax-free income to fund your private expenditure. However it does come at a cost to your employer so your salary packaging strategies are subject to certain restrictions, limitations and employer approvals.

If you work for a FBT exempt employer, you can salary package up to $9,009 (type 2) or $8,172 (type 1) in everyday living expenses that would usually attract FBT such as groceries, rates, mortgage payments and rent. In addition to this, $2,649 (type 2) or $2,403 (type 1) in meal entertainment or venue hire can be salary sacrificed. Both these thresholds will yield nil FBT liabilities for your employer.

Other benefits can also be packaged including self-education, work-related expenses and a novated car lease.

We recommend salary sacrificing items from your pre-tax income that are not deductible in your personal tax return. Deductible expenses such as subscriptions and self-education expenses can then be offset against your post-tax income. We can assist with setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement and packaging benefits to maximise your income and reduce tax payable.

It is important to note that if you are in receipt of over $2,000 in taxable value of certain types of fringe benefits, then it will be required to be reported on your payment summary as reportable fringe benefits. The reportable amount on your payment summary will be grossed up for FBT purposes, which will in turn be recorded in your individual tax return. Common benefits that are excluded from being reportable include car parking, meal entertainment and the private use of a pooled / shared car.

Although the reportable fringe benefits do not generate additional tax payable, this can impact on determining your private health insurance rebate, eligibility for various tax offsets, liability to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge, Division 293 tax, child support obligations and repayments against student debt (i.e. HELP).

So Where Do I Go From Here?

As you can see FBT is a very tricky and complex area. You may be providing fringe benefits without even knowing it, or equally you could be missing out on tax saving opportunities if you are receiving benefits from your employer.

As an employer, even if you have identified the fringe benefits provided to your employees, there are many different methods in calculating the taxable values of these fringe benefits which may yield very different outcomes.

On top of all this, FBT also has implications on the GST and income tax deductions that can be claimed by your business.

Contact Pilot

The team at Pilot Partners are experienced in all of these areas and will be able to assist you in navigating through the complex terrain of tax reporting and lodgement.

For more information, contact Kristy Baxter or Angela Stavropoulos or your Pilot advisor on 07 3023 1300.

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